418 Eiger e Stelle Alpine
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418 Eiger e Stelle Alpine
Olio su faesite - cm. 30x24 (D)
Nelle Alpi Bernesi svetta la cresta principale dell' Eiger, che dalla mitica parete nord degrada a valle fino ad incontrare Grindelwald. Si dice che il nome Eiger prenda origine da hey-ger, alta lancia, ispirato alla sua forma appuntita e quindi molto pericolosa. E le stelle alpine ne ammirano la maestosità. 4-gen-2011
418 Eiger and Alpine Stars
Oil on hardboard - cm. 30x24 (D)
In the Bernese Alps stands the main ridge of Eiger, that the legendary north face degrades downstream until it meets Grindelwald. It is said that the name Eiger take origin from hey-ger, high throws, inspired by its pointed shape and therefore very dangerous. And the edelweiss admired this majesty. Jan-4th-2011
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